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Tutor Training for ESL

This is ProLiteracy's ESL Tutor Training Online Workshop. There are 13 modules to get you started.

Learn more about Tutor Training for ESL

Online Class


Understanding Health and Wellness

This course introduces health and wellness topics and vocabulary at a low level to build reading and comprehension skills while also teaching basic health literacy.

Learn more about Understanding Health and Wellness

Online Class


Understanding the Reading Process

In this course, you will learn about the research behind the components of reading instruction: alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Learn more about Understanding the Reading Process

Online Class


Unleashing Potential Through Multi-Intelligent Literacy Instruction

This course presents an overview of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, a learning theory that describes how all human beings have a variety of capacities or intelligences to learn and accomplish most tasks in life.

Learn more about Unleashing Potential Through Multi-Intelligent Literacy Instruction

Online Class


Using a Problem-Posing Approach for Authentic Language Learning (Support English-No Problem)

In this course, you'll explore problem-posing, which is an approach to teaching and learning that takes advantage of the wealth of knowledge and variety of experiences that adults bring to the classroom.

Learn more about Using a Problem-Posing Approach for Authentic Language Learning (Support English-No Problem)

Online Class


Volunteering in a Literacy Program

What can I do to make my community a better place to live? The answer: Volunteer for your local literacy program!

Learn more about Volunteering in a Literacy Program

New Readers Press

Explore our publishing arm New Readers Press and discover hundreds of ready-to-use adult educational materials and resources backed by proven best practices

New Readers Press

Education Network

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