Learning Upgrade Project Toolkit 

Resources to recruit and enroll parents and their children.

Congratulations! We are excited that your school is participating in the Learning Upgrade Home Literacy Project to support the home literacy efforts of your students and their parents and guardians! We are excited to help you start signing up parents and guardians to participate.  

Recruitment Toolkit

You can use this marketing toolkit to help you with your recruitment efforts. Each resource below is a template that you can use to guide your communications or use as-is and customize with your own school and contact information.


Use this text in emails to inform parents about the program and invite them to sign up.

Text Message

Use this to send a targeted text message to all parents of children in grades PreK-2. You could also opt for individual teachers to send text messages to parents of students in their class. 


Use this copy in your newsletters or on your website to let parents know about the program.

Video Script

Use this script to create a video you can share with parents to tell them about the program and encourage them to sign up.

Social Media

Use these images and text to post to your social media accounts to spread the word about the program. Sometimes parents or volunteers monitor social media accounts associated with the school, so don’t forget to share these resources with them. Use this suggested imagery:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


Print this and send it home in students’ backpacks or use with email or communication apps like Class Dojo or Peach Jar to encourage parents to sign up.

Project Mission

The goal of this project is to reach parents with low literacy by giving them the tools they need to engage their children in literacy activities at home. Through the Learning Upgrade app, parents can improve their own literacy skills as they support their children’s learning. And their children become exponentially more likely to succeed in school. Together, we can build brighter futures!