Training and support for tutors and teachers working with students reading and writing below an 8th grade level.
Most tutors and teachers receive quality training before they start working with students. However, once they begin their teaching experience, they have little access to additional training and support.
Teacher Training Plus, funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, is a webinar series that presents best-practice instructional strategies. These video recordings began in Fall of 2022 and are continuous.
This strand is best for instructors teaching adults who are learning workplace skills
We’ve identified areas of need and have designed webinars to address each. Throughout all of the topics, we will also address working in a multilevel class or group and converting in-person teaching strategies to distance learning.
September 2023
Navigating Future Pathways: Creative Techniques for Career Exploration in Adult Education Classes
Learn innovative strategies for guiding learners through the journey of career exploration and how to seamlessly integrate them into engaging classroom activities. Understand the importance of teaching essential career-related vocabulary, discover user-friendly tools for skill and interest assessment, and uncover online resources that open doors to vital information about diverse careers. Learn how to connect students with real-world insights that will also enhance their digital literacy skill set for the journey ahead.
January 2024
Résumé Rescue! Creative and Scaffolded Approaches for Teaching Résumé Writing
A good, polished résumé can be the deciding factor in whether someone gets offered an interview. Give students an advantage by teaching them how to write a résumé that positions them for success. Join us for our next Workplace Literacy training to:
-Discover effective methods to teach résumé writing in a scaffolded and interactive manner
-Delve into a free online resource for résumé instruction
-Learn how to integrate artificial intelligence tools to produce polished résumés
This session will equip educators with approachable techniques that foster student engagement, build confidence, and guide them through the process of creating impactful résumés.
April 2024
Let’s Talk! Strategies for Empowering Students to Communicate Effectively in the Workplace
Discover the significance of teaching foundational vocabulary and phrases, explore online resources for instruction, and learn how to incorporate engaging workplace communication learning experiences that resonate with students at all levels and across different career paths.
October 2024
Landing the Job: Preparing Learners for Applying and Interviewing
Discover effective strategies and resources to help your learners navigate today’s job market. In this webinar, we examines current methods for finding and interpreting job openings and discuss the essential skills learners need to successfully complete online job applications. We also focused on practical tools and activities you can use to guide your students through the job search process, including helping them consider their own skills and priorities. Finally, we explored effective interview techniques and provide classroom teaching strategies to help students confidently present their skills and potential during the interview process.
About the Presenter
Michele Vick is an instructional consultant within the English Language Proficiency program of Texas A&M University’s Center for Teaching Excellence. Previously, Michele spearheaded initiatives in digital literacy, distance education, and EdTech integration at the statewide professional development center for Texas Adult Education and Literacy. She has developed and taught a customized course designed to provide internationally trained professionals with an overview of the steps required to obtain work in Texas and the English needed for résumés, interviewing, and workplace conversations.
Michele holds a Master of Education degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a diploma in English language teaching (DELTA). With over 20 years of experience, she loves creating engaging learning experiences that build teachers’ confidence and skills that lead to the development of students’ communication skills and workplace readiness. This will be Michele’s second year presenting and facilitating workshops as part of ProLiteracy’s Teacher Training Plus.