From the Desk of the CEO

From the Desk of the CEO: Celebrating our Impact

November 16, 2023

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is about to begin, and before we all become busy with the celebrations of the season, I want to take the opportunity to reflect on the deep gratitude I feel to be part of the ProLiteracy community and its mission.

Day in and day out, I have a front row seat to the dedication of our staff. I see the thought and care that goes into finding new and innovative ways to continually up our game so that adult literacy programs are taken care of with the tools they need to serve those in pursuit of better lives. It is truly humbling to see our daily work put into action to build a better world through literacy.

I am also thankful for our donors, partners, and New Readers Press customers that give us the ability to create a ripple effect. It’s only with their help that we are able to empower thousands of practitioners, who have the ability to empower hundreds of thousands of adult learners, who have the ability to empower the next generation.

Last fiscal year, it was estimated that the work of ProLiteracy supported upwards of 1.1 million adult learners. The impact that will have is awe-inspiring.

In this spirit, I am pleased to share our 2023 Annual Impact Report. This interactive report highlights our major accomplishments and exemplifies the ways in which our efforts give adults a foundation to start building a better future.

In Panama, under-educated rural Indigenous women are successfully learning to read and write using our Leamos digital platform, giving them access to the world outside of their small communities.

In workplaces across America, a new partnership is giving employees the chance to earn their high school equivalency degree to achieve career advancement and increase earning potential.

We’ve given programs access to the best instructor trainings available, led by some of the most respected leaders in adult literacy education.

Our grants continue to be popular, giving under-funded programs a chance to offer more services and provide students new and updated learning tools.

And there’s more. So much more.

It’s impossible not to be thankful to be a part of this mission. And it’s impossible not to be thankful for the tutors, programs, and supporters that make lives better.

Enjoy the weeks ahead. I hope you find some rest and relaxation with those you love. I hope you find time to reflect on your impact in the world and renew your resolve to support adult literacy in any way you can, whether it’s by volunteering your time, making a donation, or through advocacy efforts.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Read the Report