Online Class

Workforce Digital Skills Development Collection



2 Hours

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About This Collection

This collection includes six direct-to-student courses designed to give students an advantage in meeting the demands of today’s technology-first workforce.

These courses will help students learn how to use some of the most common online tools, platforms, and programs that they will encounter in today’s job searches and working environments. Courses include:

Finding a Job Online – Students learn to ask the right questions, prepare for the online search, begin the online search, and get ready to appply for a job posting online. Students are introduced to online tools and resources, watch videos, download handouts, and use a job tracking spreadsheet to organize every step of the job search.

Applying for a Job Online – Students learn five steps to applying for a job online: preparing, getting organized, breaking down the parts of the application, completing the application, and following-up. Students learn how to upload files and practice filling in an online application.

Interviewing for a Job Online – Students learn how to prepare for an online interview, including using an online meeting platform and what to do before, during, and after the interview. Students are introduced to three common meeting platforms and learn how to look and sound their best during an online interview.

Using a Word Processor – Students learn how to use Google Docs to create a business document; organize, add, and edit information; format the document; and share it with others for collaboration.

Spreadsheet Basics – Students learn how to use Google Sheets to create a spreadsheet; organize, add, and edit information, and use formulas to do math within the spreadsheet.

Email, Calendar, and Communication – Students learn to use common workplace tools including email, calendars, and online meeting platforms. Students set up an email account, create a professional email, add attachments, and manage their inbox. Students learn to use a calendar to track deadlines and schedule appointments; and a meeting platform to connect virtually with people.

You will need a FREE account to access these courses. Once you create an account and log in, you’ll find a link to this collection in the Featured Resources section of the Welcome page.

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